March 2025

What’s in a Name? Italian Names and Their English Equivalents

Have you ever encountered an Italian name and not been able to find a suitable English equivalent? Or wondered how your ancestor’s Anglicized name was originally written in Italian? Genealogical research is often hampered because an ancestor’s “true” name is unknown or misspelled.

Ange Coniglio has web pages with lists of Italian-to-English and English-to-Italian conversions; “short” versions of names; and Latin/Greek origins of Italian given names. In this webinar, Ange will review these lists and discuss examples of common masculine and feminine name conversions, giving meanings of names where appropriate.

Angelo F. Coniglio is a first-generation Sicilian-American, youngest of nine children born to parents from Serradifalco (Serradifarcu), Provincia Caltanissetta, Sicilia. He is a civil engineering graduate of the University of Buffalo and a retired civil engineer and engineering professor. After retiring from practice and teaching, he began researching his ancestry. That interest led him to volunteer as a librarian at a local Mormon FamilySearch Center, where he managed over five hundred Mormon microfilms of Italian/Sicilian records, on permanent loan to the center.

Ange (Angelo) Coniglio