Upcoming Meetings & Events

March 8, 2025

What's in a Name? Italian Names and Their English Equivalents

presented by

Angelo coniglio

Have you ever encountered an Italian name and not been able to find a suitable English equivalent? Or wondered how your ancestor’s Anglicized name was originally written in Italian? Genealogical research is often hampered because an ancestor’s “true” name is unknown or misspelled. 

Ange Coniglio has web pages with lists of Italian-to-English and English-to-Italian conversions; “short” versions of names; and Latin/Greek origins of Italian given names. In this webinar, Ange will review these lists and discuss examples of common masculine and feminine name conversions, giving meanings of names where appropriate.

Angelo “Ange” Coniglio is well-known as an exceptional teacher of the Sicilian language, Italian genealogist, and author. Join us on March 8.

We look forward to seeing you on March 8, 2025

Ange Coniglio


11 AM - 12 PM


In person & on Zoom

Attend in person:
Bethpage Public Library
47 Powell Ave, Bethpage, NY


Attend on  ZOOM (virtual)
Follow us on Facebook for more information!

Italian Genealogical Group Facebook Page

April 12, 2025

The Italian
Immigration Experience

presented by

Toni McKeen

Toni McKeen takes us on a very personal and intimate journey of an Italian family’s immigration experience. This presentation can be considered “part 2” of the story she told in her 2024 conference presentation, but each part can be viewed separately.  When we share stories of our ancestors’ journeys, we can glean bits of information about the process that can serve as a model for other individual experiences. Toni’s lecture is very visual and emotional — please join us.

Note that this presentation will not be recorded, so we hope you will attend in person or on Zoom.

We look forward to seeing you on April 12, 2025

Toni McKeeN


11 AM - 12 PM


In person & on Zoom

Attend in person:
Bethpage Public Library
47 Powell Ave, Bethpage, NY

Attend on  ZOOM (virtual)
Follow us on Facebook for more information!

Italian Genealogical Group Facebook Page