Southern District of New York Admiralty Prize Case Files-War of 1812
NARA Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685 – 2009
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. 1814- https://catalog.archives.gov/id/620323
Scope and Content: Prize law is that part of international law which concerns the capture of enemy property by a belligerent at sea during war. In the United States the Judiciary Act of 1789 and the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of “Glass v. The Sloop Betsey,” (3 Dall. 6) in 1794 conferred all the powers of a court of admiralty “both instance and prize” on the district courts of the United States. The prize jurisdiction was expressly sanctioned by Congress in the Prize Act of June 26, 1812 (2 Stat. 759), which regulated the issue of commissions and letters of marque to private armed vessels of the United States and provided for the adjudication of prizes in the Federal district courts.
This series consists of libels for the condemnation of enemy property seized as a prize during the War of 1812, answers, motions, interrogatories, depositions, claims of owners and other interested parties regarding such property, statements of charges against prize vessels and cargo, interlocutory and other orders of the court, sentences of condemnation, accounts of sales of prize property, decrees, opinions of the court, legal notices in newspaper advertising by the court, and related papers filed in the district court in prize cases. In addition, case files may contain papers confiscated from the seized vessel, including crew lists, manifests and personal papers.
Records in this series have been digitized and made available online by Footnote.com, for a fee. The digitized records on Footnote.com are available free of charge in all NARA Research Rooms, including those in our regional archives and Presidential Libraries.
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This database contains an index to Federal cases involving property seized during the War of 1812.
Below you can search for a person’s name, ship name, date, type of document, or description.
NOTE: Words to Search for can be surnames, ship names, or any other words. Individual words can be partial words ending with an * (asterisk) as a wildcard. It will NOT work if the asterisk begins a word, only if it’s at the end of one. A phrase can be something like “Claim against property” or “Affidavit of”.
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Credits & Thanks
Rosemary Addarich * Shari Aldous * John Allen * Karen Almeida * Wendy Almeleh * Trish Andersen * Gloria Anderson * Carla Andrews * Patricia Angeli * Daria Anuszkiewicz Rose Mary Arditty * Marie Arena * Hazel Arnold * Chris Asmann * Meg Assip * Harold Atkins * Brenda Aubert * Paul Auerbach * Katherine Auernheimer * Rosa Avolio * Joyce Bailey * Anne Baker * Pamela Baker * Lorraine Baltusis * Michelle Barnea * Darrellan Barnes * Laura Basile * Joe Battagliese * Kate Baum * Richie Baum * Joan Beck * Marie Bell * Joan Belonzi * Priscilla Benato * Gail Bender * Shelby Bennett * Kathleen Benson * Scott Benz * Cheryl Mauro Berg * Audrey Berghaus * Kirsten Berlin * Robert Bernard Richard Bernhard * Jillian Beroza * Michelle Beroza * Lucille Bertram * Ana Maria Betancourt * Emily Biegel * Dawn Bielemeier * Richard Black * Bill Bliss * Karen Bliss * Lynn Blumenau * Dave Blumenstetter * Robert Boeckle * Bonnie Boeger * Jan Bohne * Ronald Bonafede * Marie Bonafonte * Penny Bonnar * Bernadette Bono * Dr. Warren L Bosch * David Botticello, Jr. * Carla Bourg * Palma Bourgoin * Cynthia Boyle * Tom Brady * Erin Brannagan * Sandy Brass * Sharon Brearey * Jim Breslin * Serena Brochu Elaine Bronner * John Brook * Nancy Brower * Barbara Brown * Ken Brown * Anthony Bruscino * Mary Bryksinski * Sarah Buchanan * Ethel Buebendorf * Richard Buehring Eileen Buesing * Donna Bullaro * Mari Jayne Burke * Alice Burns * Cindy Burns * Gloria Burton * Karen Buxton * Thomas P Byrnes * George Cabat * Alissa Cabrera * John Califano * Dan Callaghan * Kristin Campbell * Linda Cantor * Georgia Capobianco * Shanna Cardita * Jay Carollo * Debra Carpentieri * Lawrence Carroll * Patricia Carter * Carol Caruana * Suzanne Carver * Cathleen Cassidy * Anna Caulfield * David Cazalet * Ray Cefola * Mary Anne Cella * Michele Chabot * Cathy Champion * Blythe Chase * Hope Chontofalsky * Joanne Chubb * Anne Ciochetto * Ruth Cipko * Daniel Claffey * Robert Clancy * Anne-Marie Clanton * Patricia Clark * Janice Clauer * Helen Clifford * Holly Cochrane * Kim Cohen * Lois Ann Colaianni * Jim Colbert * John Colbert * Mary Colbert * Lisa Cole * Kim Coleman * Lori Coles * Chris Collinge * Patricia Connor * Lorraine Conroy * Janet Corcillo * Janice M Corcoran * Barbara Coughlin * Blanche Craton * Judith Cruse * John Cullen * Paula Curran * Ronald Curti Isabel Cymerman * Kathleen Daniel * Fred Danner * Belinda Dapice * Mary Haas Davis * Holly Dawson * Margaret DeAcetis * Michelle DeAmelio * Giacomo DeAnnuntis * Linda DeBenedictis * Dolores DeBetta * Donna DeBetta * Kim DeFalco * Mary J Dehner * Dianne Delitto * Jason Dell’Aquila * Karen Delmarco * Evelyn DeLuna * Ruth Dennis * Barbara DeOliveira * Flora Dering * Linda Desmond * Patricia DeTiberiis * Ellen Diener * Ed Dietz * Rosemary Dikeman * Anthony DiMarino * Maureen Doane * Vickie Doddman * Ellen Donohoe * Anne Donovan * Kelly Doroban * Georgiana Dorr * Stewart Driller * John Driscoll * Mary Duet * Jeanne Durney * Carol Earnhart * Donna Ebert * Patricia Eckardt * Don Eckerle Melanie Egan * Robin Ehlich Kristin Elkinton * Betty English * Andrea Eppie * Tom Erickson * Terri Fabiano * Mike Falabella * Joan Falk * Patricia Farrell * Carolyn Fennell * Bill Fenton * Theresa Fernstrom * Frances Fields * Linda Figliola * Linda Fine * Nora FitzGerald * Maureen Fitzpatrick * Terry Fleming * Lee Folino * Doreen Forrest * Bill Forshay Suzanne Forte * Eve Fowler * Michelle Frager * Carolyn Franchi * Dolores Frank * Diane Frankel * Jane Fraser * Stefan M Freed * Linda French * Michael Friedman * Dawn Fulton * Gaye Funk * Richard Furtaw * Marianne Gaertner * Jeannine Gannon * Emily Garber * Eric Gatti * Patty Gault * Donna Gaviola * Shari Gee * Ina Getzoff * Sherry Gevarter * Juliette Gibbs * Donna Gilliotti * Maria Giovine * Jean Giuliante * Marge Goldin * Charles Gordon * Estelle Gordon * Janice Graef * Patti Graney * Carol Granville Sharon Gray * Ann Green * Elizabeth Green * Joyce Green * Dorothy Gregg * Marilyn Grosbeck * Teresa Guidice * Ed Guinness * David Gula * Doris Gulotta * Margaret Gundacker * Sister Joan Hackett * Bill Hackmack * Sandi Hamilton * Patricia Hammock * Cheryl Hannan * Colin Harlingten * Audrey Harmse * Chris Harmse * John Harvey Susan Harvey * Frederick Hazen * Elisabeth Helfrich * Linda Hendricks * Kathleen Hendrickson * Sharon Henn * Brenda Hensley * Clare Herrick * Barbara Hershey * Patricia Hervey * Laura Hescock * Florence Hess * Len Hickey * Roberta Hirsch * Christine Hoff * Chris Hoffman * Ann Holland * Catherine Hollister * Barbara Holmes * Susan Hoppe Bobbe Horton * Barbara Hossbach * Stephanie House * June Howard * Gary Hunt * Joan Hydo * Sue Hyer * Marie Inglee * Sue Irvine * Jeanne Jain * Linda Jarczewski Jeanette Johnson * Mary Ellen Johnson * John Jonaitis * Michelle Jones * Cheryl Kalt * Beverly Kane * Stephen Kane * Peggy Kanstroom * Rochelle Kaplan * Barbara Karwowski * Darlene Katanic * Walter Kehoe * Virginia Keller * Judy Kelly * Donner Kemmer * Ken Kennedy * Emily Kenzik * Richard Kepko * Carol Kessler * Maurice Kessler Vivian Kessler * Peta May Khoury * Cynthia Kindall * Jean King * JoAnne Sclafani King * Barbara Kirwan * Sharon Klein * Mary Klima * Shelly Klink * Kathryn Knapp * Elizabeth Knowlton * Pamela Kohlman * Rose Kostak * Debby Kozel * Linda Kralick * Ken Kravitz * JoAnn Kronenfeld * Shirley Kulchinsky * Colleen Kurka * Barbara Lacchia * Robin Lageman * Amanda Lake * Fred Lamond * Marie LaMonte * Robert Landau * Janet Larkin * Heather Lasher-Gerdan * Cristina Laszcz * Tony Lauriano * Cindy LaVallee * Stacey Lazzarini * Tami Leanza * Barbara Leckstein * Patricia LeRoux * Herbert Lessmann * Laurel Libby * Cynthia Link * Paula Listzwan * A J Logan * Denise Lombardo * Jamie Longley * Nancy Lowell * George Ludder * Evelyn Ludwig * Nancy Lutz * Colleen Lynch * Elsie Lynch * Terry Madonia * Michele Magee * Carol Mainville * Estelle Mainville Sandy Malek * Barbara Mall * Julie Mancini * Ines Mannhardt * Ruth Maraglio * Justin Marchesi * Alanna Marcus * Bill Marcussen * Brendan Martin * Terry Martini * John Martino * Nicole Martorana * Barbara Matassa * Sandy Mauer * Harriet Mayer * Melody Mayes * Dee McAllister * James McCarthy * Dawn McCrea * Grace McDonough Kathleen McElroy * Kathy McGee * Erin McGovern * Terry Ann McGuire * Sarah McKeever * Frank McKenna * Art McShane * Rita McSweeney * Carol Mead * Carolyn Melito Kim C Merritt * Virginia Michaels * Wendy Midgett * Suzanne Milanese * Judy Miller * Lucille Miller * William Miller * Rosemary Mirabella * Judi Missel * Carolyn Mitchell * Donna Mitchell * Kim Mohler * Fran Molnar * Patricia and Paul Monaghan * Loraine Montferret * Patricia Moore * Tom Moorman * Mary Morabito * James Moreno * Sheila Morreale James Muhs * Patricia Murdock * Beth Murray * John Nardi * Susan Nations * Mary Neary * Regina Negrycz * Peggy Nehmen * Barbara Nelson * Carolyn Norcia * Phyllis Norton * Stacie O’Reilly * Laura O’Brien * Joanne O’Connor * Lori O’Dea * Pat O’Fallon * DiAnn Ohama * Erin O’Hea * Richard O’Keeffe * Linda Oldenborg-Smith * Nancy Oleksy * Virginia Olsen * Tiffany Olson * Erin O’Malley * Barbara Oneill * Cindy O’Neill * Maureen O’Shea * Kathy Ossi * Karen Otto * Debby Painter * Robert Palmer * Edward Papa * Terry Parcel * Julie Parks * Mary Pasi * Linda Pasquan * Marie Pastore * Regina Pastore * Marti Paul * Elaine Penn * Carol Perry * JoAnn Perry * Judy Petersen Jennifer Petrino * Patricia Petrizzo * Lisa Pfeffer * Marilyn Phillips * Judy Picard * Mary Plant * Heidi Plavecsky * Dawn Polidoro * Liz Polykandriotis * Ralph Ponticelli * Mary Posser * Karen Preston * Donna Price * Richard Price * David Priever * Nancy Profit * Carol Proven * Mary Pullara * Barbara Puster * Heather Quinlan * James Quinn * Lucy Rafter * John Ragusa * Debra Rakoczy * Elisabeth Ramirez * Carol Raspler * Ann Rebholz * Michael Reich * Addys Reilly * Kathy Reilly * Carol Resch * Carol Reynolds * Becky Richardson * Susan Richardson * Michelle Riggio * Penny Rinaldi * Mary Roddy * Annie Ross * Carol Ross * Nick Rossi * Elaine Roth * Cecelia Rover * Dolores Royere Barbara Russo * Stephanie Rybicki * Elaine Salvitti * Sarah Samuel * Madeleine Sann * Barbara Sansone * Sheila Sapienza * Tony Sasso * Debbie Saunders * Eli Savada Linda Pirro Savard * Cindy Savino * Joseph Scanlon * Kristine Scanza Meredith * Schade Peggy and Paul Schechter * Robert Scheuer * Nima Schierloh * Howard Schleicher Robert Schlesier * Vicki Schluneger * Mary Schmit * Erin Schuck * Mary Schultz * Elaine Schwartz * Christine Scott * Theresa Seibel * Doug Seidman * Jennifer Selfridge * Ted Semegran * William Sennello * Laura Sensing * Michelle Sforza Barbara Shannon * Mary Ann Sharrer * Marilyn Silva * Janette Silverman * Denise Simon * Ghyll Simoneschi *Brenda Sinclair * Kathy Skuba * Judy Smith * Mary Lou Smith * Christine Smyth * Dee Snook * Nancy Spencer * Maggie Spetnagel * Karen Spicer * Peter Spina Cynthia St. Germain * Richard Stahl * Ellen Stanton * Gail Stanton * Susan Starkey * Marie Steinberg * Larry Steinhauer * Barbara Stephenson * Mimi Stevens * Karin Stucchio * Martha Sullivan * Robert Sullivan * Natalie Tannenbaum * Judy Tarai * Sal Tarsio * Patricia Tavis * Diane Tavoian * Leslie Taylor * Susan Taylor * Theresa Thielen Michael Timmons * Doris Tkaczyk * Marie Torchia * Diana Tosi * Janet Truncali * Judith Turbin * Lori Tyska * Elisa Ulino * Suzanne Updegrove * Nanci Vaeth * Cathy Vallevieni * Noelle Van Pulis * Bonnie Vaughan * Marie Vayer * Joe Viola * Marge Virgulak * JoAnn Vislocky * Barbara Voelkel * Alyssa Voith * Susan Von Bergen * Linda Wagner * Patricia Wallace * Bridget Walsh * Ann Walsh * Jackie Wasserstein * Theresa Waters * Catherine Weber * Shelly Weiner * Kerry Weishampel * Laura Weishaupt * Ann L Wells * Ron Wencer * Kathleen Whalen * Arthur Whelan * Ann White * Blanche White * Ellen Wiberley * Janette Wiberley * Chris and Barbara Wilkenshoff * Lisa Williams Rusty Wilson * Pat Wiswall * Helen Wolf * Loretta Wolf * Alice Wolfteich * Janet Wood * JoAnna Wood * Sue Wright * Brenda and Charles Wymore * Marie Yeager * Linda York * Suzanne Youmans * Shannon Yowell * Carolyn Zambell * Albert Zani * Cathy Zeltmann * Jeanine Zeltmann * Kathryn Zickel * Linda Zimmerman